Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Here sit I, all alone,
Like a forsaken without a home,
Lost in this labyrinth of life...
Love noone does me,
Hate who does not?
And indifference is as commonly shown,
as eggs of a maggot.

Friends did I once have,
Loyal and faithful they seemed,
But blinded my eyes were,
And now the sweet dream has been preened....

Love did I a girl once,
O most beautiful and innocent!
But mute was she to my overtures,
And let down was I by my queen!
She told me we were best friends,
And I fell for her rap,
But its only a wicked gameplan,
Never fall for that trap!

For if you are snared,
Be aware, dreamer!
Siphoned off you will be,
Your secrets and treasures,
For good measure,
till dry as the Gobi you seem.

And when you ask to be reciprocated,
From the one who seems is yours,
Laughed and scoffed at you will be,
Till your heart turns to stone!

And then wisdom does dawn,
That you're acting like a dumb fawn,
And as you turn away,
You can never again be gay.
And the all-consuming void,
That has been made in you by the one,
Numbs you, Encompasses you,
And you, a withered being,
trundle on into nothingness........

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