Among the greeny boughs,
A silent glade,
Flitting in memories of silent bows.
It was a better time then,
Life a rosy dream,
I had a true friend,
Into oblivion it has been preened.
Had a great time, we did.
Inseparable, yes we were,
But the one time we separated,
She was taken away forever.
Some men were very angry,
Wanted to blow up something, they did.
And when they made their theory,
A mass strike was what they planned.
26/11 was a woeful day,
A Wednesday, hectic as usual.
It seemed normal just like everyday,
But the evening was very fateful.
Gunfire! Bloodshed!
Madness all around!
10 people stopped all of Mumbai,
As a billion could never do.
And in the firing, madness, riot,
A bullet left a gun,
Pierced a heart, a very beautiful one,
And among our pair I was left alone.
Never to hear her laughter again,
Never to see her smile.
Her amazing eyes are eternally closed,
And her heart is frozen and cold.
O why, O why, is God selfish,
And why does he untimely call,
The beautiful ones, who make this
Earth worth living, O why do they fall!
Take us away, the commoners,
The selfish ones, why do we stay,
While those who make,
It a wonderful place, are never gay.
Doom now comes upon all of us,
The dream a ghoulish haze.
All around me all I see are walls,
Without her, how will I get out this maze?
A many-headed monster,
A torture with no end,
Terrorism, O please stop it!
Or our world will be fully rend.
Now her ghost comes to me again,
Now I must quit you,
For among these glades I hope to gain,
Eternal peace, too good to be true.
Alone in terror... by Khushman "SkkARd" Patel is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 India License.
really good!