Sunday, April 25, 2010

Philosophy in a comic.

Well, calvin and hobbes is my favourite comic, and what can I say, while reading the archives I came across a comic which, well, opened my eyes:

It's true.
How many times does it happen that in pursuit of a better future and a better time later in life do we forget to enjoy the present day and time? We sacrifice our present for a future that we do not even know what is holding for us, for we have no control over it. What we have control over is here and now, that is the present, and we tend to forget to enjoy it over past troubles and future worries.

This made me realize the need of living in the present, and also the fact that everything in life be it the smallest event teaches us something, something which echoes of the wise philosophy, that wisdom is present all around us still we fail to see it. Like being blind due to too much light in your eyes.

Anyways adios! And till next time when I hope that I have more such insights to help me!